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Level 3 - Acting

You know your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis. You have been acting on reducing the scope 1 and 2 emissions for a while and your carbon footprint is going down per some consistent, org-specific unit of output, e.g per order. You have defined processes for every team including regular reporting and reviewing of CO2 equivalent emissions for all IT related operations. Your PM teams have a remit to avoid waste, for example saving no more data than is necessary or implementing any functionality before need, and you can switch off zombie or low use services immediately (“Lightswitch Ops”). You have automatic resilience to weather-related operational risks (e.g. DC outages). You are aware of and discuss the tradeoffs between embodied carbon and carbon generated by energy usage. You have plans in place to minimize your embodied carbon footprint, including significantly extending the life expectancy of both the servers and end user devices you run on.

Whole organization energy commitmentsalready net CZero with offsets
Carbon footprintyou know what it is (scope 1, 2 and 3) and it is reducing per unit of output, e.g. orders
CO2 equivalent metricsdaily numbers from all suppliers and own systems for scope 1/2/3 and embodied carbon
Server resource managementall systems can be safely switched off (aka Lightswitch Ops) and there are processes for doing so. You have knowledge of what is running on all your machines and there are no zombie services. You save no unnecessary data and it is maintained in the optimal medium (e.g. tape if the data is not required for real time queries)
Energy resource managementat least part of your systems are dynamically managed based on green electricity availability (either via direct orchestration or through a cloud service)
Minimize end user device embodied carbon waste (assume circular economy)defined processes in place that ensure ten year old hardware is supported by your software for most commonly used devices (90%+)
Minimize server hardware embodied carbon wastedefined utilization targets. All systems use some form of multi-tenancy. Servers all have a 5 year life expectancy
Product managementall new product design supports demand shifting/shaping and Lean concepts are followed. End user devices prompt for green/off peak charging. No more data is saved than necessary
Educationadvanced training for all engineers & PMs